Find some quick answers about The Asher House and our mission, organization and our four-legged friends.

As good as Lee is with dogs, he is not a professional dog trainer. We have even consulted with professional trainers and behaviorists when we have a particular issue or concern. 

Your vet is a good resource to find a local trainer or dog behaviorist in your area.

We rescue and rehabilitate animals that have been abused, abandoned or discarded and provide them with a safe home. Many of the animals have been abandoned on properties or have been in shelters for months. Although we do sometimes foster dogs for other organizations, for the most part, the animals you see at the sanctuary and in my videos and posts have found their permanent home with us. Looking ahead to next year, our vision includes taking in more fosters while they await their forever family. 

We get thousands of emails each month asking to help animals in need. Although we cannot help each one, we do our best to provide resources, or to make connections with other rescues across the country who have been able to assist and find homes. We have impacted many lives through our rescue networks, our national spay and neuter programs, and community involvement via library partnerships, school assemblies, and homeless outreach.

Of course we give each member of our animal family a safe haven and lots of love. But we also provide them with a healthy dose of adventure. Dogs need enrichment and activity in order to thrive, and it is so much fun for Lee to take them along for the ride. When our dogs are happy, we are happy.

We are currently at capacity until we complete the expansion to our larger property. But the following website is a wonderful resource to find a rescue that may be able to help:

https://www.petfinder.com/animal-shelters-and-rescues/search/ This listing is rather comprehensive, and includes great foster-based rescue organizations, many of which offer transportation to pick up your pet if they are not in your immediate area. 

As an alternative to surrendering to a rescue, we recommend the "home to home" option where you accept applications from that site. If you do this, then you are the one screening applicants to find the perfect home. This is safer than FB and Craigslist, where this is a risk of dog fighting rings. 


As a sanctuary, many of the dogs we rescue will live out their lives with Lee and the pack. But we do make available the highly adoptable dogs that would thrive with kids and a family, or if it is determined that the pup would do better in a different environment; for example, as the only pet in the home. 

We currently have some pups available through our partner rescue: https://www.familydogsnewlife.org 

You may also want to check out these sites to find his next pet. You can put in your preferred size, breed, gender and zip code and a list of available pups will be displayed. You can also sign up for “alerts” so that you are immediately notified when a dog that fits your description becomes available on that site.  The last “home to home” site is for private adoptions from individuals looking to rehome their dogs without necessarily using a rescue organization.  

Since Lee resides on the property, we currently do not allow visitors or volunteers. But we are in the process of completing renovations to our new property in Salem, Oregon. Once everything is complete and all of our animals (including the livestock) are in one place, our vision is to have monthly tours for visitors, and we hope to offer volunteer opportunities.  We don’t have an exact timeline for this, but Lee will be sharing more as this project develops.

On Facebook and on Instagram, our social media accounts are verified with a blue checkmark. No other accounts belong to Lee or to our organization, and every other one is a fake. Please be careful not to communicate with ANY other accounts as they will ultimately try to get money from you. There are no fan pages or manager pages, and he will never message anyone on social media, WhatsApp or Google hangouts.

Here are the only official/real accounts for The Asher House: 

We do have an Amazon Wishlist and a Chewy wish list

Yes, you can mail a check or money order to: 

The Asher House 

P.O. Box 2159 

Estacada, Oregon 97023 

Our EIN: 84-3719750

All donations are tax deductible, and you will receive a receipt for your contribution. 

We do get asked this quite frequently, and we don't have an official "business plan" to share. Our organization came to be rather organically, but we can share the backstory of how we got here.  Lee does a few videos on Facebook that illustrate the history of The Asher House. They are categorizes together, and one is called "I want your life:" https://fb.watch/83AXD7e9px/, and another is called “How we started the Sanctuary:" https://www.facebook.com/TheAsherHouse/videos/3289423571293100  

 Basically, after traveling the country to promote dog adoption and meeting with various shelters and rescues, Lee applied for his 501c3 nonprofit, which was approved in late 2020. Because of his large social media platform, the nonprofit received a lot of exposure, and for this Lee is very grateful. After his pit bull Stella passed away, he needed a break from being on the road and wanted to fulfill his lifelong dream of planting roots and founding a sanctuary. He was able to find a large parcel of property in Oregon and it was a perfect place to make his vision a reality.  

 Once in Oregon, Lee continued to focus on saving animals and partnering with other shelters and rescues. We have now expanded to other animals like llamas, horses, pigs, goats, alpacas and even cows. He works hard to physically care for the animals and to manage the non-profit, he but does have a small team to assist. The nonprofit relies on donations, all of which go toward the care of the animals, but Lee purchased the land with his own personal income. People often wonder how he sustains himself financially, and it is primarily through paid sponsorships and his CBD oil. Here is a video that explains that in a little more depth: https://youtu.be/F_a-TsLabbA 

 Best Friends Animal Society has a wonderful article that we have shared with many people: https://resources.bestfriends.org/article/how-start-animal-sanctuary  Pet Finder also has some great resources on how to start a rescue, shelter or other similar nonprofit: https://www.petfinder.com/animal-shelters-and-rescues/starting-a-pet-adoption-organization/  And if you can, we suggest that you contact a sanctuary or rescue organization near your home and ask if you can volunteer.  This will give you a behind the scenes look at what happens daily, the costs involved, the workforce you may need, how fostering works, etc.    

We are always working on new and fun items to add to our shop. Lee will post on his social media once we have new items to launch.

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